
Instal the new version for mac streamCapture2 2.12.0
Instal the new version for mac streamCapture2 2.12.0

The upgrade process may also take some time to complete depending on the number of audio media content uploaded to the MediaCP and the speed of your disk + cpu processor.

  • Upgrades from version 2.10 or earlier may include downtime of AutoDJ services during the upgrade process.
  • instal the new version for mac streamCapture2 2.12.0 instal the new version for mac streamCapture2 2.12.0

    Read more about What’s new in MediaCP 2.12. RaceCapture firmware 2.12. This version is available on the Latest Release Tier and will be published to Stable Tier very soon. In this release we have targetted features that customers have requested through our feature request program. MediaCP 2.12 is a major upgrade including new features. Full Change Log 2.12.0 Added obd2 channels capacity in getCapabilities API 940 Increase number of OBDII channels from 5 to 10 for RaceCapture/Track 10 to 20 for RaceCapture/Pro 936 Increase number of direct CAN mapping channels from 5 to 10 for RaceCapture/Track 936 Switch to newlib nano toolchain to conserve memory 904 Increased memory savings in RAM and flash 904 Allow.

    Instal the new version for mac streamCapture2 2.12.0